Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Love Story--Dedicated to Akshay Agarwal


Once there was a little boy who thought that he knew the world but it wasn’t so true,

And though he loved the girl a lot, he just could accept it not that a girl he would woo

But when the pain did soar and he could not take it no more, he decided to be true

And then he went and poured it out and said it very clear and loud, I love you….

Now the girl he loved was little cute because she liked to be very clear but she couldn’t be so

because no matter how much she thought she just couldn’t figure out what it was to be in love

She used her brains, but in vain, because there was nothing that her head could do,

but then the cupid took an aim and finally she did exclaim- I love you….

Now they got the trouble send but they were so very different that they just couldn’t gel

She hated his big silence and he disliked her confused sense, it didn’t go well but as the time by and very hard did they try, love started to brew.

And then it made a perfect blend and sipping it they happily claimed I love you…I love you.

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