Monday, October 11, 2010

Some Wishes which I hope GOD fulfills on this Birthday

Some Wishes which I hope GOD fulfills on this Birthday

On my Birthday I just have few wishes. I hope GOD you will fulfill all of them:

1) Mandar and Vishy clear their PG Entrance and get a Good Medical College.


a. Mandar and his unknown dream girl of Kundli

b. Aditya and Shruti

c. Rohit and Astha

d. Vids and Shreyas

e. Akshay and Sagrika

f. Jayesh urff Chachu and Snigdha

3) Sreeneeth, you care, you hear, you make me realize what is right and what is wrong, you give me the strength and after you are just as close to me as an image is. Sree you are searching for your identity in an unidentified world. Hope your search ends. I just want GOD to make you realize what actually you desire for. You are the best Roomie one can ever have.

4) Amit, you are the face of reality and first friend at IMT. You are solutions to my problem of many situations. What I have learnt from you cannot be learnt from anybody else. Your attitude, your way of thinking, your analysis of any situation and the best your adjustment to situations with clearly defined goals is something which is very rare. Your GUJJU Entrepreneurship Dream turn into reality is what I really really hope for.

5) Akshay, God please make him realize he is not made for job. Give him the light so that he goes from this Finance World and joins his Father’s Business. “LIVE LIFE KINGSIZE”

6) Vishy, God please give him strength to tackle all his family problems. He requires the most help from you.

7) Mandar, you are my strength. I just wish GOD (making a SELFISH wish) that nothing comes between us. HEHEHE….

9) Jayesh and caring goes hand in hand. Be it anybody.Yyou already have everything what you would like to have. God just give him whatever he enchants for.

10) Debya gets his dream of Life.

11) Mom and Dad get my age too.

12) My Sister gets everything she desires for except party and money from me. (hehe..pun intended)

13) Sanju bhaiya please get well soon. I can’t see you like this. You are the one with whom I have grown up. Please God make him well soon.

14) Aayush, everyone says you are my replica. But please don’t be. Since Life is very tough for me. I just pray to GOD that your childhood never ends. You are the most loving.

15) Ankur and Madhur get the power to achieve your dreams.

16) And finally for me a couple of things:

a. I just wish Life at IMT never ends. (Especially time with Sree and Vids on one hand and Akshay and Jayesh on other.)

b. I want to spend a lot of time with Mandar and Vishy, though I know this is just a dream. It’s been years we have sat together and had great Bhasad, exploited potential options; roamed around on bikes chasing girls till their houses, speaking lies at each other home to spend a night at Madam Garden Dhabba and MIDC with a bottle of Vodka. I really miss you a lot guys.

c. GOD please provide me with all the strength to learn all the KNOWLEDGE that I have always craved for.

d. If at all I get placement or go for it then, it should be in GS, to be with Shailesh, Niharika and Jyoti.

e. And the last Give me strength to do things what my Heart Desires. Karo wahi jo DIL CHAHTA hai.

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Dear Fair and Lovely...

My dear FAIR & LOVELY (ek chand ka tukda), you are my TVS SCOOTY (first love) and my AIWA (pure passion). I always BPL (believe in the best) and you are SANSUI (better than the best ). You are DOMINO'S PIZZA(delivering a million ) for. This is a COLGATE ENERGY GEL (seriously fresh ) feeling for me.

I want you to be my life partner but I think you are worried about your father who is KAWASAKI ºJAJ CALIBER (the unshakable) and my father who is CEAT (born tough), but don't worry as I am also FORD ICON (The josh machine) and rest of our family members are pretty KELVINATORS (the coolest ones).

If our fathers say no, we will run away and marry, and PHILIPS (let's make things better).

They will feel MIRINDA (zor ka jhatka dhire se lage ) but I believe in COCA-COLA (jo chahe ho jaye).

Trust in God who's always NOKIA (connecting people) who love each other.

And do not forget that we are WILLS (made for each other). Now that HYUNDAI (we are listening) the song of love, you must know that love is DAIRY MILK (real taste of life), SATYAM ONLINE (fun fast easy) and PARX (always comfortable).and SAMSUNG(everyone is invited) for our marriage.

So never forget me. Ok bye!

I wrote little but actually PEPSI (yeh dil mange more)!!.

LG (digitally yours)

NB: Donot take this seriously. Indian Cricket Team (nothing official bout it).

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Things to Learn from DIL CHAHTA HAI....(Read it somewhere) so just posting it)

Things we can learn from Dil Chahta Hai .. .

* Freaking out and enjoying life doesn't need drugs or cigarettes.

* There are relationships apart from Bf/Gf, marriage,siblings,friendship that can be very emotional and true which is beyond the understanding of many people.

* And yeah even though U may be the best of friends there is always a limit which should never be crossed. Then it starts hurting...........

* Improving U r imperfections after you realize it, always take some time.

* You always don't need to show or prove your Gf/Bf how much U love or care about her/him, which can sound very boring and finally U R dumped.

* Believe in Love , true love will never let you down

* Never be ashamed to go back to your old friends, friends are there to understand your mistakes.

* Do not be afraid of others, always think that others are afraid of you. (remember the Australian Beggar at the railway station…?)

* Whenever you need your friend, remember that he is just a phone call away...distances can't separate friends

* In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends

* It's the friends you can call up at 4 A. M. that matter.

* The only unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable.

* The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with never say a word, and then walk away with a feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

* And last but not the least- do what your heart loves .. karo wahi jo, DIL CHAHTA HAI !!!

A Love Story--Dedicated to Akshay Agarwal


Once there was a little boy who thought that he knew the world but it wasn’t so true,

And though he loved the girl a lot, he just could accept it not that a girl he would woo

But when the pain did soar and he could not take it no more, he decided to be true

And then he went and poured it out and said it very clear and loud, I love you….

Now the girl he loved was little cute because she liked to be very clear but she couldn’t be so

because no matter how much she thought she just couldn’t figure out what it was to be in love

She used her brains, but in vain, because there was nothing that her head could do,

but then the cupid took an aim and finally she did exclaim- I love you….

Now they got the trouble send but they were so very different that they just couldn’t gel

She hated his big silence and he disliked her confused sense, it didn’t go well but as the time by and very hard did they try, love started to brew.

And then it made a perfect blend and sipping it they happily claimed I love you…I love you.

Betrayed Tears Grief Bleed Inwardly

Where are you? What happened to you? Do you need something? Take care. Should I bring something for you? What do you want? Main Hoon na., tu sirf bol muje. I am always for you. No expectations, No complains.

These are the words which I used to say to someone close to me. But do they say the same words or even had the same emotions when it came to their views. Maybe or maybe not. You may think why I am saying may be or may be not when I know the answer itself. Yes I do know it but realized it very late. The topic itself conveys what the answer would be.

It’s the same old history for all of us. You think much about somebody. You do everything for him. You give them sometimes more priority than they may have in your life. And at some point of time you realize the fact that you were fool that you did so much for them but they did not do anything for you when you required it the most. Were they so much busy? Was the thing that you expected from them beyond their limit? Was your relationship with them so brittle that they broke that glass when you required them to fill at least some amount of water in it? All these questions came to my mind when I was BETRAYED. This may not be the exact word but at least I feel the same.

I would not blame someone for all these things that happened to me. But I would rather take the blame on myself. In your eyes I may be fool but this is what I think. The real thing is that I expected from them. They did not say me anything or never told that they would help me or live up to my expectations. But at the same time there are THREE values on which the BOND of any relationship runs, they are TRUST, HELP, and HUMANITY.

These are things which sometimes hurts you and they hurt you to such an extent that you tend to lose faith in the three words mentioned above. The same thing happened with me.

It hurts the maximum when it comes from a good friend, someone who could understand me, someone who I recognize would let me give a helping hand in times of despair. But at the other end it also teaches you a lesson and that is what I learned which says

“Don’t make someone a priority in your life when you are option in their life”

Enough of crying. Enjoy Life and make it for yourself not for others. Let’s go and have a drink.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Life is Beautiful

"Life is Beautiful".

This is how I will start. Think of life as something that u like most, think of it as a person u love most, think of it as everything u like around you, then u will love your life as you have never done before u will love everything around you. And u will get that mantra to live life as u always have cherished about. Well this may be too philosophical, but this came naturally out of me when I begun writing, may be because of the few of those ethical books that i have read.

I am a simple living creature on earth, who likes the small things around him, who loves the sanctity and peaceful mind of a sleeping child and who likes to keep things simple. A child dwells in every heart but everyone fears to bring it out. May be I too fear to do so. I am a kid for a kid, a friend for the peer, a disciple for the older. Who doesn't like to freak out, who doesn't like to make fun, who doesn't want to fly high like a free bird everyone do. And so do I. But can’t do because we fear somebody around us, we fear people around us, we fear things around us. If you think about people around and stop yourself from doing something that you want to, then you are screwing your life.

Think of yourself in place of Tom Hanks in Cast Away, what you would have done have you been left out alone in this beautiful world? Horrible!!Harsh situation to scare you, to bog you down. Then you too would have looked around for some humanized football to speak to. But why u need to do that, u are lucky that you are not alone, you have many friends around you, you have many strangers around you to speak to. So start loving people around you, respect them, build relationships that will never end. Live carefree, be honest to yourself, be true to yourself and be good to others. Be ebullient; be cheerful, because you never know when your liveliness can be a lesson for life to somebody distressed. Live each day as if tomorrow would never come, as if this is your last chance (too euphemistic, sorry for that).
One who can, he does, one who cannot, he preaches. This is what I am doing here.
Enough of preaching friends.


Breaking The Habit

I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused
I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not alright
So I'm Breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit Tonight

These are some of the lines of song “Breaking the Habit” written by “Linkin Park”. Do these lines signify the reality which we face every day? Do they come to our mind only when we are in trouble, shattered from all sides, completely lost in despair, no one to help for and believing that this is the worst face in your life?

The answer is “Yes”.

But I would like to ask one more question “Why do you not to MAKE IT A HABIT?” Your obvious answers are I have done enough of this, now I want to have fun, now I want to enjoy my life to the fullest, how much more should I struggle....etc. I completely agree to your answers because I too think the same. But let’s answer a few questions.

1) Which victory do you enjoy the most? The one fought with a good opponent or the one fought with a weak one?

2) On which success you joy reaches no bound? The one which is achieved very easily or the one in which you failed a lot of times but continued to struggle for it and finally achieved it.

3) Does Happiness have any meaning in life without Sorrows that you get?

So if you enjoy the most when you fought hard, when you struggled hard and when you got happiness by going through times of despair and sorrow so why do want to break the habit. Because if you break that you would lose the things that you want i.e. enjoyment, fun and happiness. The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect. It may sound philosophical but it’s true. Try to hold sand near seashore into your hands, the more tightly you try to hold it the more it slips from your hand. You need to hold it gently. What does this signify? The harder you try the harder the destiny hits you. You must be wise enough to try and this wisdom often comes from FAILURE. So try, fail. Again try, improve. Again try Succeed. So try things, learn them and achieve what you want.

Last three lines to gist the conclusion:

“If u want something you never had do something you have never done
Don’t go the way life takes you take the Life the way you go
And remember you are born to live and not living because you are born.”

Do you now want to Break the Habit or Start Making the Habit tonight? If you want to make it start it by saying this:

I feared LIFE until I experienced its BEAUTY.

I feared DEATH until I realized that it's not an end, but a BEGINNING.

I feared my DESTINY, until I realized that I had the power to GRAB it.